Our Members

From left to right: Rohan Dewan, William Hao, Erin Hopper, Victoria Lam, Dr. Rebecca Epanchin-Niell, Aastha Patel, Kenshiro Lim, Maheen Hussain, and Nicholas Balis
Victoria Lam
Team Liaison
Victoria is a sophomore Criminology and Criminal Justice major with a Science, Technology, Ethics, and Policy (STEP) minor. She is involved in the GEMS100 Steering Committee, she is a GEMS100 TA, and she also plays clarinet for the Mighty Sound of Maryland marching band.

Kenshiro Lim
Web Liaison
Ken is a sophomore studying Aerospace Engineering at the Clark School of Engineering. He is also on the SEDS Rocket Team and runs between his classes.

Cole Balis
Library Liaison
Cole is an Economics and Government double major on the pre-law track. Outside of classes, he enjoys board games, reading science fiction, and playing ultimate.

Maheen Hussain
Team Clerk
Maheen is majoring in general biology. She is on the pre med track and wants to become a dermatologist. She love motorcycles and she is currently learning how to ride.

Erin Hopper
Web Liaison
Erin is a Computer Science and Mathematics double major. On campus, she is involved in University Orchestra, where she plays the viola, and participates club rock climbing. She is also a Honors Ambassador and an undergraduate representative for Women in Mathematics.

Aastha Patel
Mentor Liaison
Aastha Patel is a Cell Biology and genetics and Psychology double major on the Pre-Med track. She’s training to be an EMT and loves to work with the community. In her free time, she likes to cook and her favorite animal is a raccoon.

Rohan Dewan
Financial Liaison
Rohan is a Computer Science, Government and Politics, and Art History triple major. He likes listening to music, especially his favorite artists Blackpink, Beyoncé, and Ariana Grande.

William Hao
William is a Mechanical Engineering major. In his free time, he likes to learn military history, play the piano, and play tennis.